Monday, December 17, 2012

State of the World

Currently listening to Janet Jackson's, "State of the World" on youtube.

Listening, not watching. Its playing in the background. Got home a few minutes ago from talking to this guy I just met. He is actually a customer I waited on earlier in the evening. He said he wanted to talk to me afterwards, and then he waited in the parking lot after work.

I didn't think he would return but he did. His name is Connor, about 6'2, slender build, nice eyes with brown hair. He seems amiable and interested in being friends. I told him I'm not wanting to be in a relationship right now, and he's cool with that. He wants to hang out though. Same thing.

I could give it a try, but I can't be distracted too much because finishing school is top priority even though its about eight semesters away and a lot can happen in that time. Connor asked when my next day off would be and that if I wanted, we could go see a movie together. He said he's only here for a month because his job as an oilfield rep/salesman takes him on the road much.

THAT is why we can't be together. And that is why I don't want a relationship with a traveling salesman.

My mind is clouded with the state of the world at the moment. That shooting in Connecticut and all those little kids...

I've thought about having kids when I graduate from college.

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