Friday, June 29, 2012

Out of Breath

I went running around the park early this morning with Christina. She's a health nut, or rather, someone w ho likes to keep in shape.

I couldn't even tell you the last time I ran or jogged. Ever since I quit smoking three years ago, I've been slowly building myself into some sort of physical shape, not seriously though. Since yesterday, Christina thought we should spend some time together so she and Zack took me to Texas Roadhouse last night and I gorged myself in those soft pillowy bread rolls. Had a double serving of veggies and a 12 oz. ribeye steak, four glasses of sweet tea and a bottle of O'Doul's.

I was HUNGRY. Waitressing does that to a body; constantly on the move on my feet. Zack and Christina were surprised that all that  food I had in front of me, disappeared before them.

Soon as I got home last night, Christina calls me and told me to meet her by the front gate of my apartment complex because she had a surprise for me. Uh huh. Her surprise, running around the park. That was the hard part. I couldn't finish a quarter mile.

Woo. Wow. Just thinking about her makes me dizzy.

At work, I have a steady schedule of 10-7 Monday through Thursday which starts in two weeks, although I'd much rather just work weekends where the tips are greater. The best part about it is I don't have to share my tips with the hostesses or the bussers.

OK. Today is my day off so Christina asked me to go with her to Prescott. And tomorrow, we're going on a hike. She has all these spur of the moment plans I can hardly keep up, but I'm enjoying the ride with her! <3

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