Thursday, September 6, 2012

Job Hunting and stuff

So apparently, I'm not the only one job hunting these days. My counterpart in the Midwest is also.

One thing I've learned while beating feet on hot pavement; employers look for a steady work history. And when I tell them that I work several jobs at the same time, they either frown upon me or they reel with delight. I tend to think the former.

One company that I applied for was an unarmed security place and when I was finished with the War and Peace application, it was close to 20 pages! Towards the 15th page, I was ready to return the application, but I persevered. "Applicants must be willing to go through an extensive background check" was one of the company's policies. At the 18th page, I didn't really care anymore. There were four pages dedicated to the applicant's work history...and I've have over two dozen in the last six months! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gott do! :)

Another section of the security application was "List five people not related to you, who can verify your whereabouts for the last seven years". ???? Seriously?! What am I, some sort of criminal?! I listed Samantha, Cynthia, Darleen (my dog back on the farm), Henry (what Dad calls his favorite tractor), and Karla, all with the exception of Henry that I've known for the last 20 years of my ten years of my life. Yep, by the 19th page of the application, I threw in the pen. I stopped caring by the end of the previous page.

What really made me irate was the part that said, "List your residences for the last ten years, beginning with where you currently live".  By then I was livid. It was a good two hours wasted there. I done need a second job because my school load is a job in itself, but I need a second job because I get bored easily. A little known fact about me: I have boundless amounts of energy and I get bored rather quickly. If I'm finished with school work, I go outside and think of ways to entertain myself. Sometimes, I just walk outside the perimeter of the house, naked.

Naked you say? Yes! I'm house-sitting til December and where the house is situated, almost 15 miles from the main road and the nearest neighbor is 4 miles south of me. Something about having no clothes on outside with the exception on flip flops and the sun and a cool breeze touching my liberating!

I was tempted to call Mindy because I bought a brand new Leopold scope for a rifle I saw at Walmart. I just bought the scope. I've never had a use for one, but I was thinking on getting this .22 Remington just to go target shooting and Mindy owns like, three rifles with scopes on them. I've never used one before. But coming up here would be out of her way since she moved to Prescott.

All my friends are moving away. :(

The plan for the day is to call this staffing agency to see what I can do in my spare time. My current job is a server at this mom-and-pop Chinese restaurant and I only work weekends, which gives me the entire week to mess around. Idle hands...I don't need them and craigslist is coming up empty with day jobs. Ugh.

So I need something to do during the week. :D

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